Sunday, June 27, 2010

help me to be patient for the new school year!

OMG! i just couldnt believe i passed my examinations! well, i didnt studied at all though..
i thought i would flunk my whole math test but i didnt! 61's my the total mark for my math report!! but at least i passed and didnt got the same mark just like last year(last year i got 42)itn would such an "eeww" for you smaRties in math. just dont stare at that styupid m,ark!
and bahasa, i didnt got the highest in my class just like last year!(last year my mark is 69.5/70!!) this time i got 81/90.. and felishia studied well and got higher than me in a mark!!boin weven got 83, and edward ft got 85.. and what i couldnt believe in is that bryan got 88, the highest in in ghis class and among all tha p5';s!!
mandarin?? oh well.. i didnt made any improvements but my mark has been eaten up by 4.
so last year i got 61 and niow i got 57!
and english?? o dont you dare to ask me about my english marks!1 but anyways, i gonna tell to you guys too!(so never mind).73 well, it's just a mark in the report
ok.. enough of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
just remind me to thank jesus christ! good if you do.